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BLAZING NEW WINE - Discover the ancient and everlasting way encapsulated in Hanukkah. Not only is there passionate blazing new wine within that’s key to the divine restoration of the Bride of Christ’s DNA, but it’s literally a picture of the Church becoming His pure and spotless Bride. If Yeshua (Jesus) risked His own life during Hanukkah to perform a miracle that put an exclamation point to proving that He is the Messiah, what is He requiring of His Bride? Come! Let’s embark on the greatest adventure of our lives where we are wildly abandoned to His beautiful Altar Dance. Let’s travel back to the future into the very bull’s eye of God’s Kingdom, as we re-live the events of the first Hanukkah, Yeshua’s celebration of Hanukkah as portrayed in Scripture, and how we can restore these age-old foundations in this Kingdom Day



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    Clarion call to the Order of Melchizedek and the Bride of Christ.
    Calling all royal priests to lead their own inner fire bride forth.

    ​It's time to become walking-talking demonstrations of the Kingdom of God 

    according to the PERFECT WILL & LOVE of our Heavenly Father. 

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