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Writer: Robin MainRobin Main

Q: What do you make of man-made storms synched up with biblical prophecy?? Which way does the mind go with this?! Is it all relative or allowed because of legal access in the Spirit or what are you thinking. Judgement?


A: There is a whole lot at play. Legal access is definitely involved. Ashville NC and Black Mountain has been steeped in heavy-duty witchcraft for a very long time. Then, there's our government with the global cabal's demonic plans of massive sacrifice of innocent blood to empower the Antichrist and his army. God allowed it, because we are in a season of His righteous judgment. But... the wicked ones also went too far. They went beyond the borders and boundaries that God set for them. Therefore, the righteous Order of Melchizedek has been given legal right to redeem it all through focusing on the perfect will of the Heavenly Father.


God is using these heart-wrenching catastrophes to draw all mankind unto Himself… to show them what truly matters and to cause the Everyday-Joe to help their fellow neighbors and to wake up to the times that we are in. God is revealing how evil pride-filled man-based greedy governments operate worldwide. He is causing people to stand up for righteousness, justice, holiness, and truth… and every soul matters to Him.


For several months, I experienced Yeshua grieving about His Unfaithful Bride. At the start of the Feast of Trumpets, Yeshua quit grieving and stood looking out at the horizon. Now, I am beginning to understand that the Lord is using these catastrophes that man/fallen ones have planned to destroy and take to turn His Unfaithful Bride back to Him and to rise up His exceedingly great army.


Another factor is the majority of “believers” are praying their own desires, not the perfect will of the Father, which is witchcraft. Christian witchcraft prayers contribute greatly to the chaos of these witchcraft/demonically-infused storms. People (we) are being played through fear, pride, and self-focus. If believers would simply pray: “Thy Kingdom come… Thy will be done,” everyone would be much better off than declaring their own will to Hurricane Milton. We all need to calm down. Get into Abba Father’s lap and hear His heart and only speak His perfect will (John 5:19).


Bottom line: God is in charge. Man cannot do anything that God doesn’t allow.


To end on better note, we have seen Father God personally ministering to those that died in Hurricane Helene.


Give em heaven!!!

Robin Main

Written October 8, 2021 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!



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