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Writer: Robin MainRobin Main

Our sublime “Transformation Time: Online Interactive Conference” will be held weekdays October 3-14 from 5:00-8:00 PM MST (Denver, CO USA).

The Lord’s worship-filled presence, His Seven Spirit’s of God, and His Hebrew Living Letters ™ are featured, as we explore what it means to walk, like Enoch walked; and be transformed into His image where this mortality takes on immortality. This year His holiness, righteousness, and truth will be more intense, as beautiful bridal hearts (i.e., those hungry and thirsty for righteousness) fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as well as with one another. This is an extremely interactive conference where all questions are welcome. As a bonus, we will be celebrating the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) together too.

To register for “Transformation Time” with a love offering of any amount, simply pray about what to contribute; and then, deposit that amount in the PayPal account … or mail a check/money order to: Sapphire Throne Ministries (STM), P.O. Box 353, Masonville, Colorado, 80541 USA. Please designate that it is for “Transformation Time.”

For more information, please co to our STM Events page => For your convenience, there is a DONATE button in the header. Last year, Fak Bok designated that our events page as “page not found.” If this happens again, please go to the STM home page =>

NOTE: All recordings are included when you register, so if you can’t make the LIVE classes, you can catch the recordings.

Give em heaven!!!

Robin Main


DATE: October 3 – 14, 2022 (Weekdays: Monday – Friday)

TIME: 5:00-8:00 MST (7:00-10:00 PM EST)

COST: Love offering, as the Lord leads, to PayPal account… or mail a check/money order to: Sapphire Throne Ministries, P.O. Box 353, Masonville, Colorado, 80541 USA. Please designate that it’s for “Transformation Time.”

Note: Recordings are included in the registration fee (love offering for any amount), so you can either attend classes LIVE, or partake of the recordings, or both. Subscription email and instructions to join will be emailed upon receipt of your love offering.

LOCATION: Online Interactive Conference is via ZOOM. Instructions will be emailed upon receipt of your love offering.




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Clarion call to the Order of Melchizedek and the Bride of Christ.
Calling all royal priests to lead their own inner fire bride forth.

​It's time to become walking-talking demonstrations of the Kingdom of God 

according to the PERFECT WILL & LOVE of our Heavenly Father. 

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