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Writer: Robin MainRobin Main

I am being prompted to share my experience of overcoming an Assignment of Death, as a king and priest of the Most High God ... This section used to be unique to “Understanding the Order of Melchizedek: Complete Series” compilation of books. The following are my scribed notes for our setting the captives free ascension deliverance session:

Since the time was limited for this handpicked group, the mission was critical (life and death), and it was our first time experiencing this sort of thing, Yeshua took me to His back office in His library in heaven and rolled out a scroll. He gave me the following instructions to bring understanding and get the group on the same page.

Yeshua told me that the bottom-line for what we are dealing with is that when a religious spirit combines with a martyrdom syndrome, it is almost impossible for that person to be delivered from the deception that he is “suffering for the gospel.” Any rejection or correction received from others at this point is perceived as the price he must pay “to stand for the truth.” This wacked out and warped perspective drives this person even further from the truth and any possible correction. How do you speak to a deaf man? “For nothing is impossible with God” (Luke 1:37). This martyr syndrome can be a manifestation of the spirit of suicide. Galatians 2:20 tells us that we are “crucified with Christ” according to His ways and His cross. When we deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him (Matthew 16:24), we need to understand that our cross is Hic cross. Self-crucifixion is part of the Babylonian Kingdom of Self, which is also called self-abasement. It is earthly, sensual and demonic, like selfish ambition and jealousy (James 3:15-16). The point of the cross is the resurrection, not the grave. We must always choose the Way and the Truth and the Life, even if we are on the way out. Choose Yeshua. Never choose death! Never! It’s not of God’s Kingdom!

It is a deadly delusion to believe that holding onto a vision from God is equivalent to holding unto God Himself. This is especially so if that vision or work for God has unconsciously become a personal sacrifice (cross) that’s being used to gain God’s approval or His love. If that vision/work is judged by passing under God’s rod and found wanting, the person bound with a religious spirit/martyrdom syndrome who is holding onto that work dies with it.

We want all works of the flesh to die in you, in me and everyone, so that we can walk according to His Spirit. However, we don’t want the people to die with them. Three witnesses have confirmed that there’s an “Assignment of Death” on my pastor’s life. An Assignment of Death will manifest in a person’s death if it’s not completely nullified.

In February 2002, I had my own up-close and personal encounter with an Assignment with Death. Just prior, I had been warned that I was going to have a close encounter with death and to take it seriously. Coincidentally, I had a physical exam a few days later and my left arm was aching. The physician assistant checked me out, and simply gave me the warning to immediately go to the emergency room if my symptoms got worse. A few days later, I checked myself into the emergency room and got diagnosed with all the symptoms of a heart attack. I had called a spiritually-attuned friend to meet me there. She was sitting next to me once the doctors put an oxygen mask on me after the diagnosis. As soon as the doctor left the room, I asked her what she was getting. She told me that all she got was I was to come out of all agreement with death. I told her that I thought I had, but oh well. Sure. What did I have to lose? As I sincerely and wholeheartedly came out of all agreement with death, because my life literally depended on it, my friend saw a Spirit of Death be released from taking my breath away. Immediately, I began to improve and confound the doctors. They checked me into the cardiac unit where they almost killed me. There, I tried to cover everyone I knew, so they would not be the recipient of that Spirit of Death. Somehow, I knew the Spirit of Death was released from its death assignment on me, but it was still looking for a place to fulfill its assignment. I tried to cover everyone I knew. After I was released from the hospital the next day, I was home with my family humbled, grateful, and tired. I opened the newspaper to find in the obituaries my physician assistant’s husband. As I was struck with horror and sadness while reading about their six-year-old twins, I cried out to God: “Why didn’t you tell me!” I had forgotten to cover my doctor and physician assistant. God told me that my physician assistant’s husband had agreement with death, else that Spirit of Death could not have fulfilled its assignment. He also instructed me that if an Assignment of Death is not completely nullified, it will manifest in someone’s death.

From this extremely hard lesson, I will never forget that an Assignment of Death has to be nullified. So, when we received revelation that my pastor had an Assignment of Death, I knew what we needed to do. We just didn’t know how, so we sought the El Shaddai in the matter and followed His lead. He gave me four specific people that needed to be there. Two of them had to leave early, so the Lord led us to have a total of six people participate in this particular Deliverance Group Ascension. Unbeknownst to me at the time, that’s the Living Creature number in Ezekiel 1.

We blew the shofar to start the Deliverance Group Ascension to announce to the gates of hell that we were coming and to also prepare ourselves. We first worshipped El Shaddai and took communion.

I am feeling led to share this Setting the Captives Free Ascension as it came to us. During the Deliverance Group Ascension, we saw a shepherd seated with a wooden shepherd’s rod on His right side. It’s the Great Shepherd in the midst of the throne (Revelation 7:17). We saw an ocean on one side and the gates of hell that won’t prevail against the church on the other side.

There was a morning mist coming off the right side of the gates of hell; then there was an expanse of land to the Lord’s left. There were people on the land. It was us. We were facing the gates of hell. We were given some type of huge wings that are muscular and substantial, not merely feathery. We test our wings as a group. These wings are the wings of our heart that move accordingly. We are a wing of the end-time Melchizedek Army flying by the Spirit with one another.

We ask the Lord, “What do you want to do?” Yeshua points to the gates of hell. We see come type of swirling, bright light in the shape of a laurel wreath crown, but we know that it’s a circle on its side. The lower part of the “wreath” revolves counterclockwise, because we are about to undo what has been done. We hear a whining sound mixed with stringed-instruments. Then two gigantic wings shoot out of the sides of this “thing,” like a wall. There’s a magnetism in the wheel that’s drawing us. It’s leading us, because the spirit of the Living Creature was in the wheels (Ezekiel 1:20-21). These humongous wings are at least fifty times the size of the gates of hell. These wings are part of a heavenly battering ram connected to God’s heart.

We see an old-fashioned padlock on the gates with hordes behind it. We ask the Lord, “Do you have any weapons for us today?” I was reminded of several weapons I was given that day once I sank down to the bottom of the River of Life and was brought through a golden door. We all stood up and we all received a large golden shepherd’s staff/rod in our right hand that can only be used corporately according to the Father’s heart. We also received a cloaking garment in our left hand, which we were directed to throw over our right shoulder.

We were then instructed to put up both arms to receive the golden breastplate of Melchizedek with a triple concentric circles insignia embossed on the front. In the most center circle of Melchizedek’s emblem was a white-faceted stone that represents a pure heart. In the middle circle was a hollowed out red-faceted precious stone, which was cut out to leave room for the white stone. This red stone represents Christ’s Blood. The Outermost and largest circle was a blue-faceted stone, which represents the Sapphire Throne of the All-Consuming Fire.

Then, we were instructed to lift up our heads and open our mouths to receive a heavenly drop of Christ’s Blood. This one drop of blood contained all of the Word of God. The final equipment needed was a golden belt with a golden globe in the middle of it, which enables us to go anywhere on earth. It never comes off. It’s a belt of truth.

We see that Yeshua is in two places at once. He is seated, and he is standing by us. Jesus approached each one of us and asked us: “Are you willing?” We respond “Yes!” in unison. Then, Yeshua gives each of us one word: truth, magistrate (a judge), dancer, life, dance, and servant.

We smell a strong sweetness in the air, like a honeysuckle or a honeycomb. We know that this fragrance is a spirit of unity that’s a blanket over us.

We can see both sides: the heavenly and the demonic. The demonic turn into a bunch of tribal crazies. We see demonic hordes pounding their spears on the ground loud and in unison. It was almost funny when we look at the huge swirling symbol of victory with humongous wings that’s an overwhelming wall. This heavenly battering ram with wings and all of us having wings are both keys of the kingdom for the gates of hell to not overpower Christ’s Church: “Upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven” (Matthew 16:18b-19 NASB).

Jesus takes His shepherd’s staff and signals us to move forward to the gates. The whirling sound of the heavenly battering ram gets more intense and the contraption goes faster. Sparks begin to fly and starts to ignite. It becomes a ball of fire! It’s the All-Consuming Fire! It dissolves the gates of hell. The little demons in the front row are melting. There are bigger demons behind the little ones.

Jesus motions us to advance behind the heavenly winged battering ram. We hear that we are to go to a graveyard, because they have already made a memorial.

We see ourselves in the Pastor’s Graveyard. There are mounds of fresh icky dark dirt. One of the witnesses to the Assignment of Death on my pastor’s life had previously seen one demon digging his grave and another demon etching his tombstone. She told us that he’s in the Pastor’s Graveyard. There really is such a place. We see a headstone etched in another language than English. This graveyard is void of demons.

The pastor’s deception makes it seem that everything is okay. They don’t realize that they have been deceived. This is not a nice place. We look up and see black birds circling. The black birds are watching. We cloak ourselves to remain hidden. We see a little white gate, and we understand that we need to go toward the back, left corner. As we pass various graves, we see headstones that from a distance we could not see, because the light’s so dim here. We hear demonic laughter. We perceive that the laughter is because these pastors have no idea they’ve been deceived. Their ears can’t hear the truth. This Pastor’s Graveyard is a Region of Captivity.

We sense in our hearts that as we walk through the graves that we are to speak the word, “Life!” Hear Jesus say: “I love raising people from the dead.” We sense that we are going to retrieve all the pastors. We gather in a circle around the graveyard and grasp our golden shepherd staffs in our right hands. We follow Yeshua’s lead. He raises His shepherd’s staff over His head, so that the rod is perpendicular to the ground. We understand that we are supposed to shout the word “Life!” in unison, as we bring our shepherd staffs to hit the ground. We are immediately joyful and see light.

We hear: “It’s time for the wings!” We all uncloak ourselves. We unfurl our wings. We stand wingtip to wingtip, as we surround this region. We are floating. We are dancing. Jesus is standing in the middle of the Pastor’s Graveyard; He’s tall, erect and clothed in white. He’s the Word. Jesus says, “I’ve longed for this.” We see Jesus coming to each of us. He lays His hands on each heart and reminds us of the belt of truth.

Jesus begins to lead and speak these words to us:

* I AM the Head. Connect Me to My Body, because I give life abundantly.

* Wake up sleeper, rise from the graves.

* My judgment (justice) is true. I AM the righteous judge.

* If hearts are willing to be lifted up in complete surrender to Me, they will never be the same.”

* “It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and give His life a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:26-28 NASB). That’s why I came at the beginning of this journey as a shepherd, because through that complete surrender I’m going to lead.

* “ The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows. Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever” (Psalms 23:1-6 NASB).

* Speaking over the graves: “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” ( I Corinthians 15:55 NASB). A song about this is sung over the graves: “Death has lost its sting… He has redeemed.” (sung three times)

* “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; Lovingkindness and truth go before You. How blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! O LORD, they walk in the light of Your countenance. In Your name they rejoice all the day, and by Your righteousness they are exalted. For You are the glory of their strength, and by Your favor our horn is exalted. For our shield belongs to the LORD, and our king to the Holy One of Israel” (Psalm 89:14-18 NASB).

Before we are given permission to dance on these grave, the chains need to be broken.

“Now do not stiffen your neck like your fathers, but yield to the LORD and enter His sanctuary which He has consecrated forever, and serve the LORD your God, that His burning anger may turn away from you. For if you return to the LORD, your brothers and your sons will find compassion before those who led them captive and will return to this land. For the LORD your God is gracious and compassionate, and will not turn His face away from you if you return to Him” (II Chronicles 30:8-9 NASB).

They are already rumbling in their graves. The Scriptures (Word) are breaking their chains.

We seek God for the order that He’d like these Scriptures read and get:

[1] 1 Corinthians 15:55,

[2] Psalms 23,

[3] Psalms 89:14-18,

[4] Matthew 20:26-28, and

[5] 2 Chronicles 30:8-9.

We proclaim what Jesus said prior to giving these Scriptures beginning with “I AM the Head. Connect Me to My Body, because I give life abundantly….” as well as these Scriptures and then add the word “Life!”

We see all the pastors rise up. The group proclaims, “Return to the Lord!” We gather around the pastors and take them up with our wings. Jesus says, “You came for one, but I came for all.”

We land where we started a little above the expanse. When we rose up with the pastors in our wings, we saw that we took the place of the birds of prey. We were dancing in the air. The pastors have just come out of the grave. The Lord is doing the healing and our job is to love them. We hug the pastors. The resurrected pastors need to embrace God’s mercy. Revelation is coming to them, and jack-slapping them. The Lord is giving healing.

We hear the black birds being loud and angry, because they were in charge of that region of captivity. Yeshua instructs us send them back and close the door. Even though we know that we are silencing the black birds by saying, “Be still and know that He is God,” we actually silence them without words by simply pointing our wingtips. The message behind our pointing is “be still and know that He is God.” We see the spiral hovering battering ram seal up the gates of hell again with sparks.

Then we begin to personally minister to my pastor in the Spirit.

At the very end of this Deliverance Group Ascension, we were led to legislate these heavenly realities to earth through four decrees:

* We decree that the chains holding the pastors in the grave are broken and they have been set free and given new life.

* We decree that the Body of Christ will come under the Head, who is the Righteous Judge, their Good Shepherd, the Truth and the Life, their Servant and their Savior.

* We decree that these pastors from the grave will see God’s face and hear, “I am your source.”

Please grab the principles from this particular situation and apply it to your own battle with a spirit of suicide/death and its assignment of death.

Except from “Understanding the Order of Melchizedek: Complete Series” (slightly modified), p. 73-83.

Copyright 2017 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source.

NOTE: Sapphire Throne Ministries has a limited amount of “Understanding the Order of Melchizedek: Complete Series” paperback books with some typos in them that we are selling at $25 each (50% Off Regular Price). All you have to do in the U.S.A. is request a copy and also pay for shipping and handling by sending $30 to PayPal account. Or you can mail a request and check to Sapphire Throne Ministries, P.O. Box 353, Masonville, CO, 80541, USA.

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Give em heaven!!!

Robin Main



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