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Writer's pictureRobin Main


One of the ascended spiritual gifts is knowing something in your inward being when you spend time in His Presence. I call it an intuitive “knowing in your knower.” A few days ago, I knew in my knower that there is only a little time left to come out of Babylon to not share in her plagues (Revelation 18:1-5).

A great question that sprung out of sharing that there is only a little time left to come out of Babylon to not share her plagues was: “Where do we go to escape?” Or in other words: “How do I come out of Babylon?” The simplest answer is: Yeshua (Jesus). We each need to come into full agreement with the Word of God – Messiah Yeshua – in thought, word, and deed to the best of our ability in order to resonate at His frequency. Another way to put it is that believers need to return to their first love by letting Him have all of you (all you are and all you do), which means that His righteous and just plumb line will measure everything in your life according to His Biblical standards because He loves you and wants the very best for you.

Please don’t forget about the great grace that our Lord and Savior offers in this painful and beautiful quest. Due to the difficulty (sometimes extreme difficulty) of dying to our own carnal nature (i.e., our flesh, ourselves and our own way), I say a delightfully dangerous heartfelt prayer: “I side with you, Lord, even against myself. Teach me your truth and ways.” Additionally, don’t forget about our Helper and Comforter who has been given to lead us into all truth. I would suggest that you add to your prayers a request to the Holy Spirit – His Spirit of Truth – to convict me of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8). This is basically a Davidic heart cry to “search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalms 139:23-24 NKJV), which when fulfilled creates a clean heart and renews a steadfast spirit within (Psalms 51:10).

To understand why I say that Messiah Yeshua is the simplest answer to coming out of Babylon, we need to grasp that Babylon can be equated to the Kingdom of Self as well as the Satanic Kingdom while our Beloved is all about the Kingdom of God. Please refer to

I got introduced to a personal connection to Babylon through an ephiphaneous appearance of Yeshua in 1998. I have told this story many times. You can read or watch a video about it here: or or

Know that Yeshua equated coming out of Babylon to laying down Christmas when He visited me in-person; therefore, Babylonian plagues are connected to its practices. Now, He has told you too.

At the time, Yeshua told me in-person to come out of Babylon and lay down Christmas so I could be part of His Pure and Spotless Bride, I loved everything about Christmas; because I had justified any wrong I saw in it by whitewashing the celebration by saying and believing that Jesus was/is the reason for the season. Yet, here He was in the flesh telling me that Christmas grieved His heart and I needed to lay it down to come out of Babylon. Wow! Talk about earth shattering!

In 1998, Babylon was a foreign concept to me. Through the years the Lord has shown me various aspects of Babylon, including sensual, material motivation (merchandising), sun god worship (Christmas), witchcraft (sorcery), and death. Please refer to and and

Christmas is not the only Babylonian practice and mindset that we need to come out of. For instance, celebrating the Biblical New Year in the seventh month (Tishri) is also Babylonian. Please refer to Like I said, Christmas is not the only Babylonian practice and mindset that we need to come out of, but it is probably the hardest to discern and come out of due it is being the world’s sacred cow. Christmas worship has literally been made in the exact same image as Aaron’s fabricated Golden Calf. Refer to and and

I have researched this subject extensively and discerned it with His holy, reverential fear of the Lord. In fact, it took me ten years of full-time research as well as time in His Word and Presence to write a book called “SANTA-TIZING: What’s wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up” => Today, I am publicly releasing a new video that covers Chapter 3 “Babylon and Beyond” => Please share this critical video and message! Coming out of Babylon is vital to surviving and thriving these dark days.

How do you come out of Babylon? Choose your first love above all else. Choose with all that is within you to come out of Babylon; and then, follow through. Choose with all your heart to side with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, even against yourself and your own way. Choose with all your soul to lay down any Babylonian way. Choose with all your strength to side with what Jesus did no matter what (See Choose this day to come out of Babylon to not receive her plagues.

Give em heaven!!!

Robin Main

Written September 5, 2021 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!



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