QUERY: I am interested in learning more about intimacy with Father God. I am a believer in The God of the Bible; but I want to go deeper, and I am not sure how to do that.
ANSWER: I believe that most people are missing a major key to diving deeper into intimacy with Messiah Yeshua and Father God. That key has to do with choosing something by your will, which is part of your soul. At one point, Abba instructed me to set my heart, like flint (solid, immovable, determined focus), on Him and His perfect will by, choosing it through my will. Please allow me to practically lay this out.
First, by your will, choose to determine with all your heart, mind (soul) and strength that you will love Him with everything you have and are, because He first loved (loves) you unconditionally… no matter what. Choose that you will never back down from pressing into Him. Choose by your will to become just like Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ). Choose to always be humble and teachable, and continually pray for His assistance in it all.
Once you have firmly chose Him with your will, your heart and everything else will follow. That is why Yeshua told us to pray in the Lord's Prayer: "Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come [in me]. Your will be done [in me] On earth as it is in heaven" (Matt. 6:9-10). Even on the cross, Jesus prayed "Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done” (Luke 22:42). Notice that Yeshua’s focus was/is continually on His Father’s will.
Through your focus on Messiah Yeshua, your relationship with Abba Father will naturally develop, because the two are one. If you see Yeshua, you see our Heavenly Father and vice versa. Remember that Yeshua tells us that He can only say and do what He sees and hears the Father doing (John 5:19,30). The Messiah’s eyes and ears are focused on His Father. When our eyes and ears are focused on our Beloved Yeshua, we are focused on the Father too, because of Yeshua’s oneness and focus on His Heavenly Father.
At the intersection of your will and the Father's perfect will, His Kingdom comes. I find that this is a major key to going deeper. I also say some dangerous prayers, like: "I side with You, Lord, even against myself. I choose You and Your perfect ways." Once you have set your heart and soul to be laser focused on Him, then add biblical practices. Never forget that your primary goal is relational – to get to know the Lord of Love personally… intimately. Always... Always... always... keep this your primary focus. Then add things like prayer, fasting, spending time in His Word (Yeshua is called the Word of God in Rev. 19:13), etc. I have found that when I do these things, I help foster going deeper and deeper into the Son, which leads me into a deeper intimate relationship with Father God.
P.S. Also, try to get rid of distractions. For instance, we literally got rid of our TV. I will still watch some movie online sometimes, but remember we become what we behold. That is why beholding Him (spending time in His Presence) and spending time in His Word (Bible) are so important.
Hope this helps.
Give em heaven!!!
Robin Main
Written May 8, 2021 Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!
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“Samantha Keely Smith’s paintings explore the dual worlds in which we exist: our inner lives and the changing world around us. The paintings represent the landscape of the psyche, the place where the conscious and unconscious meet, where outside forces and our own human nature collide as we grapple with our place in an ever-changing and reactive environment. … Brooklyn-based artist Samantha Keely Smith was born in England. After moving to the US as a child, Smith went on to study Art and Art History at the School of Visual Arts in New York, and received a BFA with Honors from Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University (Painting, 1991). Samantha is represented by Momentum Gallery in Asheville, NC.”