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Writer: Robin MainRobin Main

With YHVH testing the sons of men with His eyelids in regard to the adultery and idolatry of Christmas, people are feeling that they are in a parched and weary land due to building their own cisterns.


We need the fresh living water from the Lord’s cistern to be poured out on the earth. However, due to adultery and idolatry of Christmas, there’s a crushing weight upon people’s chests where it’s hard to breathe. It is demonic and something that keeps people in line, or they get punished. Pressure is being brought to bear upon people who are trying to extricate themselves from Christmas.


Behold, there’s a door on a person laying flat on the ground where greater weight in the form of stones are being added on top of the door, just like in the older Stepford Wives movie. This door is a very bad door. In fact, it’s a horrific door to the bottomless pit that’s sits upon the people who are still doing Christmas but desire to be free of it. All hell is coming against Christmas keepers worldwide. The door to the bottomless pit that is crushing them is opening this year. It’s going to be a hellish Christmas, as the new “Dear Santa” movie portrays, because only hell is left in it. Christ has taken Himself fully out of Christmas. Only deep darkness remains. All a person has to do is seek God’s face, turn from their wicked ways (which sometimes appears so innocent), so God can heal their parched land and pour out His living water from His cistern.


Jeremiah 2:13 speaks of “For My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, and hewn themselves cisterns – broken cisterns that can hold no water.” The entire chapter of Jeremiah 2 can be applied to Father’s eyelids test on the righteous and judgment on the wicked. Let’s jump around a bit to get a feel for God’s heart and where most people are today. Approximately 96-98% of the world population does Christmas in some form.


Verse 5 in Jeremiah 2 reveals God’s heart cry: “What injustice have your fathers found in Me, they have gone far from Me, have followed idols, and become idolaters?” The second half of verse 11 through verse 13 is a glaring indictment from God: “ ‘My people have changed their Glory for what does not profit. Be astonished O heavens, at this, And be horribly afraid; Be very desolate [dry and parched],’ says YHVH.” Then, Jeremiah flows into verse 13 that reveals the two evils in God’s sight for His people: forsaking Him as the fountain of living waters and making their own cisterns that can’t even hold water.


If we hop down to verse 19 of Jeremiah 2, God tells His people: “ ‘Your own wickedness will correct you. And your backslidings will rebuke you. Know therefore and see that it is an evil and bitter thing that you have forsaken YHVH your God, And the fear of Me is not in you,’ says the Lord God of hosts.” Then, in Jeremiah 2:20 we get to the issue of adultery: “For of old I have broken your yoke and burst your bonds: And you said, ‘I will not transgress,’ when on every high hill and under every green tree [Christmas tree] you lay down, playing the harlot.”


God continues to speak the truth in love in verse 23 of Jeremiah 2: “How can you say, ‘I am not defile, I have not gone after the Baals’? See your way in the valley; Know what you have done?” Baal worship is integrally woven throughout Christmas. Read my book SANTA-TIZING for much more details about all this. In verse 25, God continues to reveal what His people say, “But you say, ‘There is no hope. No! For I have loved aliens, and after them I will go.”


Finally, I’d like to draw attention to Jeremiah 2:33-34 where God is still revealing the evil ways of His people: “Why do you beautify your way to seek love?” Many people proclaim that Christmas is the time they feel most loved, and yet bipolarly, they feel most depressed because the love of material things and foreign gods encased in Christmas can never satisfy.


“Also on your skirts is found the blood of the lives of the poor innocents” (Jer.2:34). Whether you want to admit it, or not, Christmas is one of the grand high climaxes that Satan himself attends where mass human sacrifices occur to empower their dark kingdom. See Everyone who partakes of Satan’s Christmas Table contributes to their dark energy. In antiquity, there is abundant and melancholy evidence that mass infant sacrifices to Molech, Chemosh, or Baal (take your pick) occurs on the ancient pagan sun gods’ birth celebration – December 25th. For more precise history about Christmas child sacrifices, check out Chapter 5 – The Golden Snare in my book SANTA-TIZING: What’s wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up:


I could go on and on, and I do in SANTA-TIZING, which is a book written to cover most every argument from a Biblical perspective. It’s a book written to fulfill a vow that I made to Messiah Yeshua’s face. See the MY LAST CHRISTMAS and NORTH POLE GOING SOUTH? articles below.


Give em heaven

Robin Main


Written December 9, 2024 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!

























• ALEF-TAV’s Hebrew Living™ Letters: 24 Wisdoms Deeper Kingdom Bible Study book =>


• Dwelling in the Presence of the Divine: A Commonplace Book of the Hebrew Living™ Letters book =>


• Set of Hebrew Living™ Letter Flash Cards =>


• Ascension Manual book =>


• Understanding the Order of Melchizedek: Complete Series book =>


 MEL GEL Study Guide book =>


• MEL GEL Study Guide: Volume 2 book =>



• Let There Be Light! Hanukkah Meditations book =>


• SANTA-TIZING: What’s wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up book => This book was written to fulfill a vow made to Yeshua’s face to tell the Christian Church that “Christmas will be the Golden Calf of America.” It took 10 years of full-time research, a golden scribe angel and the Spirit’s leading to unearthing His Truth in the sands of time.





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