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Writer: Robin MainRobin Main

Recall that Moses and Aaron’s sister Miriam was married to the righteous Caleb. Also, recall that one of Miriam’s names is Ephrath, because Israel became fruitful through her (I Chron. 2:19). The first fruit or firstborn of Ephrathah – Miriam and Caleb – was Hur (I Chron. 2:50). It was this Hur that assisted Aaron in holding up Moses hands to ensure the victory over Amalek (Exo. 17:12).

I first happened upon Miriam being married to Caleb while I was studying Psalms 132. Notice how we hear about God’s resting place in Ephrath: “If I allow sleep to my eyes, slumber to my eyelids; before I find a place for HASHEM [YHVH], resting place for the Strong One of Jacob. Behold! We heard about it in Ephrath, we found it in the forested field. … For HASHEM has chosen Zion; He has desired it, for His habitation. This is His resting place forever and ever, here I will dwell, for I have desired it” (Psalms 132:4-6,13-14 Tanach).

The Ephrasites are a very distinguished family in the Tribe of Judah who have descended from Ephraph, which is another name for Miriam (Sotah 11a). How interesting is that! A family of Judah’s identity is connected to Miriam, not her incredibly brave and righteous husband Caleb. There must be something to this, especially since Micah 6:4 mentions that Miriam was a leader of God’s people along with Moses and Aaron.

When I meditated upon the mysterious message in the phrase “Behold! We heard about it in Ephrath, we found it in the forested field” (Psalms 132:6), I received three gems.

The first gem is Miriam was the great-grandmother of Bezalel who was the chief architect of God’s Dwelling Place in the Wilderness – The Tabernacle. Bezalel personified his name, which means “in the very shadow of God” in Hebrew. The great wisdom that Bezalel possessed was said to be due to his ancestor Miriam (Exodus Rabbah xlviii.6).

Bezalel possessed such great wisdom that it was said that he could combine the Hebrew Living Letters with which heaven and earth were created. In Exodus 31, “HASHEM spoke to Moses, saying: ‘See I have called by the name Bezalel son of Uri, son of Hur, of the Tribe of Judah. I have filled him with a Godly spirit, with wisdom, insight, and knowledge, and with every craft; to weave designs, to work with gold, silver and copper; stone-cutting for setting and wood-carving – to perform every craft’” (Exodus 31:1-5). Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge were the implements that God used to create the world: “HASHEM founded the earth with wisdom; He established the heavens with understanding; through His knowledge, the depths were cleaved, and the heavens dripped dew” (Proverbs 3:19-20 Tanach). By virtue of God’s profound wisdom poured in and through Bezalel, he successfully erected a fit abiding-place for God in spacetime on earth while the Most High God still remained exalted above and in time and space (Ex. R xxxiv.1; Num. R. xii.3).

The second gem is that we hear about God’s Resting Place in Ephrath, because both Bezalel and King David were in Miriam… in her very DNA. King David followed in Bezalel’s footsteps in being an architect for God’s Dwelling Place, by establishing the Tabernacle of David as well as providing the plans and materials for building Solomon’s Temple. Miriam was both Bezalel and King David’s ancestor; thus, “Behold! We heard about it in Ephrath, we found it in the forested field” (Psalms 132:6). The sound of Zion – God’s Resting Place forever – was, and still is, contained with Miriam and Caleb’s DNA where the very materials for rest (i.e., the for-rested field) reside.

The Hebrew Sages speaks of Miriam having illustrious descendants, which is connected to God’s Dwelling Place as her reward for not obeying Pharaoh (Exo. 1:21). Miriam had the chutzpah to tell Pharaoh that he would be punished by God for his cruelty to Israel, and almost lost her life as a consequence.

The third gem focuses on the hearing part: “Behold! We heard about it in Ephrath, we found it in the forested field” (Psalms 132:6). Please recall that the watch word for Israel is the Shema, which can be broken down into three parts: hearing, understanding, and doing. Hearing about God’s resting place in Ephrath is key to establishing God’s dwelling place in you and I. It is actually the first step; therefore, follow Miriam’s and Caleb’s example and “Hear, O Israel: the LORD is our God, the LORD is One. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength” (Deuteronomy 6:4-5). For more about the Shema:

Give em heaven!!!

Robin Main

Written January 4, 2021 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!



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ART: “The Tabernacle Jehovah Rafah” by Norbert McNulty. To purchase, go to




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