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Writer: Robin MainRobin Main

Yesterday, I mentioned that the majority of “believers” have been praying their own desires, not the perfect will of the Heavenly Father. Know that anything against God’s will is a form of witchcraft. Christian witchcraft prayers contribute greatly to the chaos of these witchcraft/demonically-infused storms. We are being played through fear, pride, and self-focus. If believers would simply pray: “Thy Kingdom come… Thy will be done…” and simply ask for mercy, everyone would be much better off than declaring their own will to Hurricane Milton. We all need to calm down. Get into Abba Father’s lap and hear His heart and only speak His perfect will (John 5:19).


One lady asked an excellent question: What would you consider a witchcraft prayer? I responded: An example is speaking peace to the storm if God is not. We can ask for mercy and such things where we humble ourselves and are petitioning, but when speaking to anything, including a storm, we must know and be synched up with the perfect will of the Heavenly Father. To know the perfect will of the Heavenly Father, ask Him: Is such-and-such Your perfect will? Prior to that it is always wise to lay down your own desires, understanding, paradigms, etc. on God's Altar so you won't hear the desire of one's own heart that can sound a lot like God's still small voice.


Another lady wrote: “I am in agreement. We can speak peace to our own storms, but if it is judgment, like David, we must throw ourselves on the mercies of a Righteous Judge.” I could not agree more!


Notice in the Biblical account that King David was given three choices. As judgment for doing a census outside of God’s will, David had to choose either: [1] three years of famine or, [2] three months to be defeated with the sword of his enemies overtaking, or [3] three days with the sword of the Lord. David was in great distress when he said: “Please let me fall into the hand of the Lord, for His mercies are very great; but do not let me fall into the hand of man” (1 Chronicles 21:13). The next verse speaks of a plague being sent upon Israel and 70,000 men of Israel falling Notice how falling into the hands of the Lord for His mercies did not cause dire consequences to be lifted; however, in the midst of God’s righteous judgments, the Bible says: “And God sent an angel to Jerusalem to destroy it. As he was destroying, the Lord looked and relented of the disaster, and said to the angel who was destroying, “It is enough; now restrain your hand.” And the angel of the Lord stood by the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite” (1 Chronicles 21:15). God’s redemption was so great that after the plague was stayed that eventually God’s Temple in Jerusalem was built in the exact same place on Mount Moriah.


It’s 2 Chronicles 7:14 time! Humble yourself and seek His face and turn from any way that the Lord considers wicked. Extravagantly, throw you and yours on the mercies of God. Besides not my will but Yours be done, prayers for mercy are probably the best prayers at this time, because we are in a time of God’s righteous judgments. That’s why I recently posted this article => Crying out for mercy is a position of humbling yourself under the mighty hand of God for His mercies are very great.


Let us cry out for His great mercies. Let all of God’s people hear the Father’s perfect heart and perfect will. Let us get on the one note of His heartbeat and watch the great things that God will do!


Give em heaven!!!

Robin Main



Written October 9, 2024 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!






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Calling all royal priests to lead their own inner fire bride forth.

​It's time to become walking-talking demonstrations of the Kingdom of God 

according to the PERFECT WILL & LOVE of our Heavenly Father. 

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