Did you know that King David was made after the Order of Melchizedek? Refer to Psalms 110:4. Did you also know that David wrote an ascension psalm that foretells of the descension and ascension of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ), as articulated in Ephesians 4:8-10?
“Wherefore He saith, When He ascended up on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. Now that He ascended. What is it but that He also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above the heavens, that He might fill all things” (Ephesians 4:8-10 KJV).
David actually wrote six psalms where he had already ascended to receive divine inspiration before he wrote these six songs. I call these Ascended Psalms, because King David was operating from a higher state of consciousness in the Holy Spirit, which resulted in glorious spiritual enlightenment.
We will be exploring this reality at our next School of the Firmament #8 Class. It’s called that “Ascension Songs of David.” It starts at 5:30 PM MDT on Monday, August 3, 2020. If you are interested in attending the class and/or receiving the recording, please go to https://www.sapphirethroneministries.com/events.
Give em heaven!!!
Robin Main
Copyright July 30, 2020 - Sapphire Throne Ministries - Robin Main
***** . RESOURCES AVAILABLE: . • Ascension Manual book => https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578188511
• Understanding the Order of Melchizedek: Complete Series book => https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Order-Melchizedek-Robin-Main/dp/0998598240/
• MEL GEL Study Guide book => https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578188538/
• MEL GEL Study Guide: Volume 2 book => https://www.amazon.com/dp/0998598232/
• Set of Hebrew Living Letter Flash Cards => https://www.sapphirethroneministries.com/flashcards
• Blazing New Wine of Hanukkah: Bridal Restoration of DNA book => https://www.amazon.com/Blazing-New-Wine-Hanukkah-Understanding-ebook/dp/B010MHNZMK/
• SANTA-TIZING: What’s wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up book => https://www.amazon.com/SANTA-TIZING-Whats-wrong-Christmas-clean/dp/1607911159
• Mystic Mentoring YouTube Channel => https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgM5SH5cgx9WbdJSEQekdrA
• Mystic Mentoring website => www.mysticmentoring.com
ART by Orit Martin